Most of the world functions as it does because bullshit is the fuel required to make people behave in ways they know aren't optimal for the evolution of themselves and others.
Not relying on pre-packaged ideologies stuffed with contradiction isn't an easy task to willfully engage in.
Many will not - and thus gladly remain stuck - trading powerful Truth (REASON) for comforting lies (CONTRADICTION).
One of the first major steps to "waking up" is to understand that:
- Everyone is operating through a philosophy - and those who argue they aren't, are the most heavily and subconsciously entrenched, blinded, and corrupted by said philosophy (see "theoretical physicist")
- Getting a progressively "Truer" grasp on the nature of reality, your place in it, and how to succeed depends on constantly seeking out the removal of CONTRADICTION from yours, and others, current positions of philosophical reasoning.
What's dry is dry, because it's NOT WET.
What's True is True because it DOESN'T CONTRADICT.
You'll experience a constant "perception correction" due to your constantly-increasing ability to REASON.
These "AHA!" moments (what we commonly refer to as epiphanies) then become the norm when you use REASON as your primary tool for figuring things out.
To have the presence of a single falsehood in your paradigm is to poison the entire thing.
It either contains contradiction or it doesn't.
To argue otherwise is to abandon reason for concepts, which are just that - concepts - that have no basis in actual reality outside of your ability to conceive of them psychologically.
This is the entire point to understand: your greatest ability is to conceive concepts within your own conscious awareness, and then use those concepts to ultimately make your life easier, more enjoyable, and productive.
It's from this point of SELF-AWARE CONCEPTUALIZATION that all of your other knowledge (epistemology; how you know what you know is valid) is derived.
I assert that for far, far too long, society and humanity in general has been lazily satisfied with allowing contradiction as a means for "explaining" extremely complex or seemingly-unsolvable concepts, phenomena, and experiences.
This is precisely what most people do, then hinge their entire foundation of knowledge on the assumption that authority figures (scientists, government officials, CEOs, etc.) have it all figured out, and there's nothing left to sort out.
Most people's worldview "makes sense" because it's composed entirely out of a plethora of lies and distortions which are bent, twisted, molded, and then glued back together to force a "reasonable enough" paradigm that's actually founded entirely in EPISTEMOLOGICAL CONTRADICTION (Materialist Science/Scientism).
This is analogous to claiming to have completed a very difficult maze puzzle, simply by drawing a straight line from start to finish, bypassing any of the heavy mental lifting required to actually solve the puzzle step by step, then claiming you've done the work and solved the maze problem.
If someone can manipulate your epistemology (your trust that what you're being shown is valid knowledge, and not manipulated in a way to fool you into a certain type of behavior), they can get you to believe and follow insanely contradictory lines of reasoning that have absolutely no grounding in reality whatsoever.
This, I submit, is one of the major stumbling blocks of human history, and one this blog/site seeks to combat using the diamond-bladed sword of REASON.
REASON is like diamond because it can't be cut or destroyed by anything other than itself.
REASON is like a sword, because when wielded properly it becomes a tool for both defensive and offensive learning and growth.
One is then able to hack and slash their way through the contradictory overgrowth, revealing a rationally and conceptually consistent (True and useful) path of personal progress.
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